Dealing with Badly-Worn Teeth? Dental Crowns in Westmont Can Help!

February 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — jasonhong @ 5:22 pm

The crown or cap of the tooth is the part that is visible above the gum line. It houses the main components, which include the dentin and pulp. The latter is vital to the tooth’s health because it’s where critical nutrients enter from the gums. If the crown becomes severely damaged, then the more sensitive parts are left vulnerable to infection. Thankfully, dental crowns in Westmont provide a way to restore both the functionality and appearance of damaged teeth. Read on to learn more about the process so you can get on the road to a brand-new smile!

The Different Uses of Dental Crowns

A dental crown replacement can be used for the following reasons:

  • To replace a lost filling
  • To correct or conceal cosmetic flaws
  • To repair a damaged or decayed tooth
  • To restore a tooth following root canal therapy

Two Types of Dental Crowns

The two most common types of dental crowns are traditional and CEREC same day restorations. While both processes are effective, there are some differences that we’ll highlight.

Traditional Crown

A traditional crown will normally take two visits to complete. The process starts with the dentist taking a bite impression and then placing a temporary crown.

Along with shade-matching data, the impressions are sent to an in-network lab that will fabricate a permanent crown. When the fixture is ready, you’ll be invited back to your dentist’s office to have the temporary cap removed and the final version cemented in place.

CEREC Same Day Restoration

The other option is the CEREC (chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramics) same-day crown. There are a few differences with this method, though.

Whereas the traditional process usually includes a mixture of metal and porcelain, the CEREC procedure is all ceramic. That amounts to a longer-lasting application, less toxicity and a more aesthetic final look.

So instead of waiting on the permanent crown to be created by a lab, the entire CEREC procedure can be completed in just one visit!

How Long Should You Expect Your Crown to Last?

Typically, a dental crown can last from five to 15 years, depending on how it’s cared for. Here are some habits you’ll want to avoid so your fixture lasts as long as possible:

  • Avoid clenching and grinding your teeth.
  • Avoid eating ice and biting your fingernails.
  • Resist the urge to use your teeth as tools to open packages.
  • Brush and floss your teeth at least two times a day to prevent the decay of the gum tissue and tooth that support the crown.

If you have a broken, severely cracked or badly-worn crown, then don’t hesitate to reach out to a dentist in Westmont to schedule a visit. After a thorough examination, the professional will suggest the best route to fully restore your tooth!

About the Author

If you’re in need of a crown restoration, Dr. Jason Hong has the training and expertise to help. To determine whether a traditional or CEREC crown is the better fit for your needs, you can request an appointment through Dr. Hong’s website.

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