How to Keep Your Porcelain Veneers Perfect for Years

December 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — jasonhong @ 9:40 pm

Since improving your teeth with porcelain veneers in Westmont, you have probably noticed that you smile much more often. That means you’re also enjoying some of the daily benefits of smiling, like feeling happier, looking more confident, and lighting up a room with your new look. Porcelain veneers typically last between seven and 15 years; however, with the proper care, they can last you up to 25 years! If you want a beautiful smile that stays dazzling for years to come, here are the top three ways you can take care of your porcelain veneers and extend their lifespan.

Keep Up Great Dental Routines

Porcelain veneers are ideal for improving the size, shape, and color of your teeth, but they’re not designed to make you completely immune to cavities! Even though the porcelain shell will not decay, the tooth underneath is still vulnerable to plaque and bacteria. A regular brushing routine is the best way to clean out the buildup of plaque on the uncovered side of your tooth and prevent cavities from forming.

Brushing and flossing regularly are also essential to preventing and treating gum disease. When your gums have an infection, they can recede and pull away from your teeth. While this won’t hurt your veneers directly, it will reveal their edges. Since they are made of composite materials and not porcelain, they can quickly stain and discolor the area where your veneer meets your tooth.

Use the Right Tools

What you use to brush is just as important as how often you brush. If you use the wrong products, your dental routine may be causing more harm than good. Using a toothbrush with hard, stiff bristles can easily scratch your veneers and make them look dull, as well as damage the enamel of your natural teeth. Whether you have porcelain veneers or not, you should always brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Similarly, if you use a highly abrasive toothpaste or strong whitening product that contains hydrogen peroxide, you wear away at the polished surface of your veneer. Only use toothpastes and whitening products that have a Seal of Approval from the American Dental Association to keep your porcelain veneers safe.

Break Bad Habits

While porcelain veneers are incredibly durable, they’re not indestructible. To extend the lifespan of your perfect smile, it’s important that you put a stop to bad habits like:

  • Grinding your teeth in your sleep, which can quickly wear down your porcelain veneers.
  • Using your teeth to open bottles or trim fingernails, which can cause chips and cracks.
  • Not seeing your dentist every six months, which is vital for identifying and treating any issues as soon as possible.

You can keep your porcelain veneers as pristine as the day you got them by following these simple tips. When you take care of your new smile, you can extend its lifetime for years to come.

About the Author

Dr. Jason Hong practices general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry in Westmont, IL. He is a graduate of the prestigious New York University College of Dentistry and completes more than 300 hours of continuing education every year. He is passionate about helping his patients create and maintain the smiles they’ve always wanted, which is why he offers cosmetic services like porcelain veneers. If you’d like more tips on caring for your improved smile, he can be contacted at his website or at (630) 789-1555.

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